Sold!! $42,000
Real Estate at Auction
Restaurant and Home
Tue Oct 1 at 5 PM
Due to other interests we will offer the following located at 7340 State Route 42 in Johnsville, OH, 43338, formerly Hershs Countryside Restaurant.
Brick Restaurant building which includes all the restaurant equipment and the home next door setting on 1.17 acres which is set up to be a 2 family if you want to use it that way. Also, behind the house is a 3-car garage. ½ tax $1,811.64
Terms $5,000 down auction day and balance due within 30 days. To see or for more info call the Realtors Auctioneers Chuck or Derek Whatman 419-756-8012.
NOTE! NOTE! Sellers are very motivated to sell this property don’t miss this opportunity!!!!!!
Duane and Mable Hershberger